2022 ATAR Report release

The 2022 ATAR Report was published by QTAC on 31 January 2023 and is now available on the QTAC website. Download your copy here.  

The annual ATAR Report provides an overview of the calculation of the ATAR and scaling outcomes for the previous year’s Year 12 student cohort. In line with the 2020 and 2021 ATAR Reports, the 2022 Report contains a summary of subject enrolments, the outcomes of the inter-subject scaling process for each subject, as well as the allocation of students to ATAR bands. The format and overall content of the report has been kept the same as in previous years to make it easy for people to follow trends and to make comparisons across the years.  

For more information about the calculation of the ATAR, see the Calculating the ATAR in Queensland: Technical Document available on the QTAC website 

2022 ATAR Insights at a glance 

The summary below compares key ATAR statistics for the 2020, 2021 and 2022 Year 12 cohorts – the first three years of the introduction of the Queensland ATAR.

27,245 students qualified for a Queensland ATAR in 2022. At 52.9%, this was marginally higher than in previous years. 

Qualifying for the ATAR

From 2020 to 2022 there has been an increase in the number of students qualifying for the ATAR on schemes other than with 5 General subjects. The number of Year 12’s qualifying for an ATAR through the schemes  4 General + 1 Applied subject is up 1.38%, and those getting their ATAR under the 4 General + 1 VET qualification is up 2.49%. 

8,548 students, or 31.3% of the ATAR-eligible cohort, received an ATAR based on their VET or Applied subject in combination with 4 General subjects. There has been a corresponding decrease in those qualifying with 5 General subjects. This is a positive indication that the ATAR scheme is encouraging students to follow study pathways other than with only General subjects. 

Subjects and Qualifications studied

The most studied subjects in 2022 for each subject type were English (General), English and Literature Extension (General Extension), Chinese (Senior External Examination) and Essential English (Applied). The most frequently completed VET qualifications for each AQF Level were the Certificate III in Fitness, the Certificate IV in Crime and Justice Studies, the Diploma of Business and the Advanced Diploma of Professional Dance (Elite Performance). 

Summary of key statistics across the first three years of the ATAR in Queensland 
ATAR Distribution

During the ATAR calculation process the allocation of ATARs to different bands is done according to the set formula. As can be seen from the table below, the ATAR distribution is similar year on year, and the small changes in numbers of students fitting into the different ATAR distribution bands reflect the changing population of ATAReligible students.  

ATAR Scaling

When compared against the previous two years, the 2022 scaling outcomes for individual subjects confirm that the cohort achievement and scaling for subjects changes from year to year and to varying degrees. The Distribution of Raw and Scaled Results for all subjects in 2022, as presented in Tables 7, 8 and 9 in the ATAR Report, show that while there is similarity in scaling outcomes across the years, there is no set pattern or ‘predictability’ in how different subjects might scale when compared to previous years.  

**When reading this report and interpreting the data, it is imperative to observe the following: 

  • Inter-subject scaling is the process undertaken to map each QCAA subject and completed VET qualification to a common scale. This allows raw results in different subjects to be compared fairly. 
  • Subject Scaling is a comparative measure based on actual subject achievement data and is expected to be different from one year to the next based on the capability of the student cohort for each year. QCAA subject results are the true achievement levels. 
  • The performance of students in each subject, each year determine the scaling of a subject. Students should not select subjects based on predicted scaling outcomes but should choose subjects they enjoy, are good at and which meet any prerequisites for courses they want to apply for. 
  • QTAC does not endorse any ATAR calculators to help identify whether a student is on track to receive a particular ATAR. Calculating the ATAR is a data-driven process and schools need to be wary of calculators, as those calculators will not have access to the actual data which is used to calculate final ATARs. Although trends will form, schools, students and parents are advised not to use historical scaling data to predict future outcomes. 

Using data analytics to support EAS applicants most in need

Using data analytics to support EAS applicants most in need

Posted on Oct 10, 2022 | In Blog, Institution Staff, School Staff

It is often the most disadvantaged applicants who struggle to fully document their Educational Access Scheme (EAS) claims and face missing out on a place in their preferred course. QTAC is making innovative use of data analytics to enable our EAS team to provide targeted, individual support to those EAS applicants most in need.  

EAS is an evidence-based scheme and to be considered for a selection rank adjustment based on educational disadvantage, applicants must provide all the required supporting documents. The rate of undocumented EAS applications has been around 40% for some years (41.6% in 2022) and insufficiently documented claims often account for 15 to 20% of EAS applications.  

Data analytics allows QTAC to identify and to offer targeted help to those EAS applicants who will likely need an adjustment to be competitive. This has led to measurable improvement in EAS documentation and is helping applicants get across the line for an offer. 

About EAS 

QTAC’s Educational Access Scheme (EAS) helps tertiary applicants by providing a selection rank adjustment for eligible applicants whose recent study was impacted by financial or personal challenges.  

Before you apply:  

  • Read the EAS guidelines, FAQs and Case Studies. 
  • Check your eligibility for nominated categories. 
  • EAS is an evidence-based scheme so you must provide all the required supporting documents. 
  • If you cannot provide the documentation please submit a statement explaining why.  

More details about the EAS scheme, including helpful FAQs, can be found on the QTAC website, or you can contact us at QTAC for assistance on PH: 1300 467 822. 

If you are interested in a QTAC Presentation to support Year 12 students or QTAC Applicants and you are representing a school – please email presentations@qtac.edu.au with EAS Presentation in the subject line and a team member can provide you with more information. 

Is education returning to ‘normal’ for Queensland students? EAS tells the story

After a few somewhat disrupted years in education there are welcome signs that school and home learning environments are returning to some sort of ‘normal’ for our year 12 students and non-year 12 QTAC applicants.   

Data tells the story and QTAC’s analysis of the Educational Access Scheme (EAS) data provides useful insights into the effect the pandemic has had on student learning over the past few years. The EAS scheme assists tertiary study applicants whose recent study was impacted by financial or personal challenges.  

From 2021 to the 2022 admissions years there was a decrease in applications in all categories with a significant decrease in applications for educational disruption and financial hardship. 

There were 16,777 EAS applicants for the 2022 admissions year which is a decrease of 29% from 2021, but similar to the 16,208 applications for 2020. Key factors influencing the reduction in EAS applicants for 2022 were: lower unemployment1 with a corresponding decrease in non-year twelve EAS applicants, plus fewer COVID-19 related EAS applications from 2021 Queensland Year 12 students than the 2020 cohort, who faced larger-scale and longer-term school shutdowns. This may help to explain the 40% decrease in EAS applications in Home Environment and Responsibilities and School Environment categories, as these were where most COVID-related applications were made. 

In 2022 60% of EAS applicants were Year 12s with non-year 12 applicants making up 40% of EAS applications. EAS applications from the non-year 12 cohort in the Home Environment and Responsibilities and School Environment categories have seen decreases of over 55%. This indicates that that group of potential students faced less pressure on the home and study front in 2021 than in 2020. It also reflects the decline in QTAC applications from the non-year 12 market, from the pandemic-inspired high in 2020 for 2021 admissions. 

1  Reference  Davidson, P., (2022) A tale of two pandemics: COVID, inequality and poverty in 2020 and 2021 ACOSS/UNSW Sydney Poverty and Inequality Partnership, Build Back Fairer Series, Report No. 3, Sydney 

The new Australian Curriculum has had the ‘Marie Kondo’ treatment

The new Australian Curriculum (ACARA Version 9.0) was endorsed by education ministers in April 2022. After a lot of discussion and debate on key aspects of the curriculum, schools can begin teaching the content from 2023.
Of interest to parents, teachers, and others interested in the Australian curriculum is this ABC podcast. David de Carvalho, CEO of the Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority (ACARA), discusses the “more stripped-back and teachable curriculum” that supports deeper conceptual understanding and aims to improve performance.
To find out more about the ‘Marie Kondo’ treatment for curriculum, listen to the podcast (14 mins.). 

Year 10 post-school pathways

Year 10s – set your compass now

It is SET Plan time again, when year 10 Queensland students begin to develop their Senior Education and Training (SET) Plans. Schools will be working with students and their parents/carers to help them plan their senior studies and to select subjects for their years 11 and 12. 

Developing a SET Plan helps students think about their education and further education and training and career goals after Year 12. It makes sure they structure their learning in Years 11 and 12 around their abilities, interests and ambitions and helps them map their pathway towards a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and post-school pathways. The flowchart below summarises the post-school pathways. 

School students’ SET Plans need to be finalised by the end of Year 10 and are a vital component of students’ senior studies. The SET Plan is agreed upon by the student, their parents/carers and the school with a copy of the student’s SET Plan retained by the school as an official record. 


Year 10s – how can QTAC help you? 

Choosing what subjects to do get your QCE, or to help you get the ATAR you are aiming for, is a very personal decision and there are many factors to consider. QTAC does not advise students on what senior subjects they should be doing and we encourage students to make use of advice from those people who know them well – their teachers, careers guidance officers and parents. However, we CAN help you set your compass for your post-school pathway.  


I think I know what courses I want to study and put as my preferences.  
How do I get there? 


I don’t know what job I want to do, but I do know what subjects interest me and that I am good at. 

What courses could I do? 

Use your SET Plan to identify the QCAA subjects and/or VET qualifications that will give you the best chance of getting into one of your preferred courses. 

Our QTAC advisors can talk you through possible pathways, entry and prerequisite subject requirements for specific courses and discipline areas. We can help you with your preferences. We can point you to institutions who can give you more information. 


Your school careers counsellors and teachers should be able to advise what types of courses and careers you could look at. You can look up information on university websites, go to an Open Day and talk to universities and TAFE. Our QTAC advisors can help answer questions about entry requirements into specific courses. You can talk to us at any time, the earlier the better for setting that compass! 



Behind the ATAR

Want to know where to find the rules and policy behind calculating the ATAR?

The Calculating the ATAR in Queensland – Technical Document is QTAC’s definitive reference document. Everything students, schools and parents should know about the detailed eligibility rules and requirements governing the ATAR is described in the ATAR Technical Document, alongside the detailed ATAR calculation explanation.

QTAC reviews the Technical Document each year and, when needed, makes minor updates to make sure the information is as comprehensive and consistent as possible with a record of the updates listed at the back of each new version. No changes are made to the actual rules or calculation processes. You can now download the most recent version: Calculating the ATAR in Queensland – Technical Document v1.4.

For those who want a less technical explanation of all things ATAR, QTAC’s other factsheets and resources offer easy-to-read guidance on specific topics.

So, you’ve finished year 12 and Queensland ATARs and QCE results have been released. Where to from here?

So, you’ve finished year 12 and your Queensland ATARs and QCE results have been released. Where to from here?

Congratulations! Finishing year 12 is a major milestone.

No matter your pathway, achieving your ATAR and/or VET qualification is significant for those looking to enter tertiary study.

When are Offers made?

Some of you may have already received an early offer from QTAC. For those QTAC applicants waiting for their offers, 23 December 2021 is the first offer round where current Year 12 applicants can be considered for an offer based on their ATAR.

Please note:  Not all courses will be participating in this offer round. If your course isn’t offered in December, don’t worry as most courses will participate in the 13 January Offer Round.

For more information on individual institutions’ course offer dates and vacancies please refer to  https://www.qtac.edu.au/course-offer-dates-and-vacancy-information/ . There will also be further offer rounds throughout January and February 2022.

What to do if you get your offer

Make sure you respond to your offer by the date given with your offer. Remember, you may lose your offer if you allow your offer to expire, or if you receive a new offer for the same semester. The QTAC OFFERS page steps you through how to respond to your offer and how to log in to QTAC Application Services.

Did you get the ATAR you had hoped for or needed?

If you did, that’s great news!  It’s not long to wait now for offers to be released.
If you are not sure if your ATAR will get you into your preferred course – don’t panic! You may still get an offer. Entry requirements for courses are made up of more than just ATARs and institutions minimum selection thresholds may not yet be decided.

Check and change your preferences

Now you have your QCE results and ATAR, check the course entry requirements for your preferenced courses. If you don’t meet the prerequisites or minimum selection ranks, you may need to look at changing your application preferences (see https://www.qtac.edu.au/preferences/ ).  Just remember, you can only change your preferences for free, three times.

Upgrading Pathways

If you didn’t get the ATAR or the course offer you had hoped for by the January 13 offer round, there are many ways to achieve your goals. Check out the information on Upgrading pathway options. There are many tertiary pathway options which can help you work towards getting into your dream course. This could involve bridging courses, upgrading via tertiary study or tertiary preparation courses to assist with gaining a higher rank and/ or meeting subject prerequisites. Offers for most courses will continue to be made after the 13th January 2022 offer round as well.

What about improving your ATAR if you really need to get into the course you want?

If pathways aren’t for you, then you can consider further year 12 study. See the Factsheet on Qualifying for a New ATAR for more detail.

Non-ATAR pathways

Did you know that you can gain entry into most institutions, for certain courses, without an ATAR?

Using the standalone selection ranks of VET qualifications can be a great pathway into your dream course. Check the individual institutions and specific courses for entry requirements.


The QTAC Customer Service team are experienced in helping applicants navigate applications and to find suitable course options and pathways.

Call us on 1300 467 822

Can 2021 year 12s apply for EAS based on the impact of COVID-19?

What is EAS?

QTAC’s Educational Access Scheme (EAS) may be of assistance to students when applying for further study if they have experienced circumstances during 2021 that may have negatively affected their most recent studies. There are extensive resources on the QTAC website. You can also refer to our EAS FAQs and EAS Case Studies.

EAS provides rank adjustments for educational disadvantage through five main categories: Financial Hardship; Home Environment and Responsibilities; English Language Difficulty; Personal Illness or Disability, and School Environment. Note that the Educational Disruption category was renamed ‘School Environment’ in August 2021 and there is a new form  on the QTAC website.

If you are assessed as eligible for adjustment factors, any rank adjustment will be applied to your QTAC selection rank under EAS, your original ATAR does not change.

Putting in an EAS application: What students need to know

Students should refer to the information on the QTAC website, in particular:

  • Carefully consider the choice of EAS category.
  • Check the due dates for documentation submission.
  • Follow the 7 Steps on How to Apply.
  • If you change your mind about applying for EAS after you have applied, call our contact centre on 1300 467 822.

School representatives may be asked to be a support person, complete a school statement, provide supporting documents or give other input, as required. 

Can 2021 year 12 students apply for EAS based on the impact of COVID-19?

Year 12 students whose studies have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 should, in the first instance, work with their school and QCAA for any educational adjustment available within the specific circumstances.

The QTAC educational access scheme is open to all year 12s whose studies have been impacted by COVID-19. Each EAS applicant must make a case based on their individual circumstances and supply all the supporting documents normally required for the category in which they are applying.

Where possible, EAS personal and school statements should:

  • Clearly describe how COVID-19 negatively impacted the individual EAS applicant’s ability to study – be sure to include who, what, where, when, and why.
  • Address how the applicant was disadvantaged relative to school peers from the same state.
  • Explain what educational adjustment has already been made.

We are carefully monitoring the range of adjustment measures being adopted by state education authorities around Australia and updating our processes accordingly.

Some examples of COVID-19-related circumstances that are considered in different EAS categories are supplied below. This is not an exhaustive list.

EAS Category


School Environment


·         Positive COVID-19 case/s in school community leading to prolonged school closure.

·         Poor internet connectivity for rural and regional students negatively impacting online learning during protracted COVID-19 lockdowns.

Missed schooling

·         Boarding students forced to return home to remote areas and unable to recommence in-person studies at the same time as city peers due to travel restrictions and lockdowns.

·         Returned overseas travellers who missed a significant period of study due to quarantine requirements.


Home Environment


·         COVID-19 case/s in applicant’s immediate family or household disrupting study for a significant period.

·         Family members of front-line health care workers who experienced serious disruption to their home environment.


Personal Illness


·         Applicant tested positive to COVID-19 with severe and prolonged impact on study.

·         Disabled applicants and applicants with learning difficulties whose conditions affected their ability to participate in online study during prolonged lockdowns.


For further information or assistance with EAS please call the QTAC contact centre on 1300 467 822.

ATAR & COVID-19 Factsheet

Events in 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted on the schooling and studies of many of our students. QTAC has prepared a factsheet with information about tertiary admissions and your ATAR and in this COVID-19 year. The factsheet gives links to resources to answer the many questions students, parents and teachers are asking about ATAR results, QTAC applications and how to support our students’ future study plans.

Download a copy of the Factsheet.